← UNSEQ | About
There have been around 10+ conspirators behind the production of releases. Unseq is a supergroup in the same fashion as Gescom, from which it draws inspiration. The style is usually similar to Noxw, except each track might be done by a different artist.
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Noxw Omniq Acuzi AsikwusPULSE 75258050866944 Infu Phantom Imahara Vziel Projet Jaiden Jose A-Carretero

... and 2 others which have been obfuscated.

Unseq logo

Noetherian Ring

A sub-artist focused around mathematics. A voidal construct. It is a sub-alias of unseq. What it does is construct bridges between each and every entity, however, it is hidden to the naked eye.
Noetherian Ring logo

[XOR] & xoreuta

XOR logo Xoreuta logo

[XOR] is a type of algorithm used by unseq. xoreuta is an extension of [XOR].

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